Nybyggarna (The New Land)-- 1972
Date: Friday, March 21st
Time: 6-9:30 pm
Director: Jan Troell
Based on: "Upon a Good Land," the best-selling series of Swedish novels (1949) by Vilhelm Moberg
Run time:
Part 1 and 2: 102 minutes each part (THIS viewing) We will view the second movie, "The New Land" on March 21 and April 25.
NOTE: To see the prequel, "The Emigrants" (if you missed the initial movie about leaving the homeland and the sea/overland journey), view it on YouTube or elsewhere.
Language: Swedish with English subtitles
Starring: Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, and others
This exceptional film received several accolades and nominations. Roger Ebert praised director, Jan Troell, as "perhaps the best of the post-Bergman generation of Swedish filmmakers." The movie depicts the struggles of regular people in their enduring and challenging efforts to establish themselves in the rugged mid-1800's Minnesota and America.
"Troell has a feeling for the historical past, and for the meaning and beauty of ordinary lives... - Roger Ebert, RogerEbert.com, January 15, 1973.
In the first part (to the PAUSE) of The New Land's life-journey, join us for the continuation of a thought-provoking and moving movie that allows us to better understand Swedes of yesteryear and now, and the complex historic context of that time. Note: This movie will get you thinking and feeling and will foster discussion.
6:05 PM: Set up (including food and room)- Please, help.
6:25 PM: Eat, sample Swedish food (Please, bring food.), and mingle
7:00 PM: Movie starts (including a 10-minute intermission)
9:00 PM: Discussion
9:15 PM: Teardown
We welcome volunteers to help with the event. It's a great way to meet people and make the event run smoothly. When registering, please indicate how you can help and what food you may bring.
Please register online.
No charge for viewing the film
Donations are welcome to cover facility expenses.
Donate online: www.scandiclub.com/donate
Or Donate "at the door"
Thank you for your support!
Link to "The New Land" (1972) trailer for the entire movie (with English subtitles). (youtube.com)